Today is my 30th birthday. It's something I've been dreading for the past year. I know it's not exactly OLD but I am most certainly an official grownup. So to combat my "I'm a big girl now" blues, I've decided to do a little something to make other people happy which should make me feel good as a result. So, look for the sign with the pink ribbon and enjoy 50% off that makeup set. I chose my favorite 10 looks, that's 30 makeups for my 30th birthday. The sale is only good for 24 hours and at our Nouveau shop. The makeup looks set for sale are: Biba, Boudoir, Cercle, Celeste, Chaton, Novembre, Paon, Pin-Up, Sultry, and Terre.
Happy Birthday, Roslin! And thank you for your generosity on your day! (P.S. Many have crossed the thirties threshold and have come across at least as happy. Enjoy!)
Happy Birthday, and oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, 50% off!!
Awwww.... Big ole happy birthday to ya!
30 ain't so bad, especially when we get to enjoy the presents! Thanks, Ros.
Happpppy Birthday Roslin <3 30 was a breeze it was 25 that gave me a nervous breakdown lol I hope you had an incredible day, I sure did buying all the fabulous Gift Priced Skins wooooot thank you so much for all you and CJ do <3
xoxox Sasy xoxo
Happy Birthday Roslin and how nice to have a sale.
Thanks for all the birthday wishes guys. I SLove you all.
Happy birthday mommy :P
Happy Birthday! 30th is not a old age since I am at the same birth day as you! Nov25 is my 30th birthday too! really so happy to know someone out here that born on same day as me! happy birthday happy birthday!!
I think i saw this too late to take advantage of your generosity, but I do appreciate the work you have put into the skins.
And as far as being thirty goes, I leave you with the words of Odgen Nash - "How old is Spring, Miranda?"
Happy birthday Roslin, and welcome to the club :D
oh im to late :(
happy belated bday to the make up artist who makes me look pretty in sl and inspires me to try new things in RL
thank you
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