Tuesday, May 20, 2008

"After the ball is over ....

... after the break of morn. After the dancers' leaving, after the stars are gone" ... two lines from a sad little 1890s US song. but there is no sadness here!

"After the ball is over" gives us chance to admire CJ Carnot's absolutely splendid build for the Fleur/Nicky Ree collaboration Spring Ball without the distraction of elegant ladies and well-dressed gents.

The ball was held last Saturday in the magnificent ballroom spanning the two sims. I didn't take pictures as I was on low resolution to survive, but here is one taken by one of our Jolie Fleurs, Elaine Lisle. [Thanks Elaine!]

hya Tiramisu and Achariya Maktoum came as charming Goth boys to make sure the ladies had enough partners. You can see Achariya's report in her blog here.

But the skins *sigh* -- I fell in love with the new Shoujo"Florence." Not too many shots on our Jolie Fleur Flickr group yet, but here are two, from Jyla and hya, the details below.

On the left: Jyla is wearing Vivant Le Fleur in Buff and Nicky Ree Le Fleur Baroque in Red
On the right: hya is wearing Vivant Le Fleur in Cream and her new Nightmare suit.

Thanks to all of you who came to the ball and who have purchased the new skins. They are available now in our main store in Fleur -- please drop by and take a look!

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