Sunday, July 29, 2007

A Little Update

For those of you wondering how things are progressing on our new skin line, I thought I would fill you in. We finally do have a name-Vivant. We haven't yet set a date for release. The plan is to create makeups until I cry uncle and drop from exhaustion and then it should take us a week or two after that to sort out vendors and pictures.

We would also like to take this time to thank everyone for submitting their suggestions and shapes, both have been very helpful to us. We haven't drawn a winner, we are going to wait until just before the release to do so. Anyone who has an idea for a makeup they would like to see, please drop a picture or link on a notecard titled, "Makeup Suggestion" and drop it on Roslin Petion. It needs to be a pretty close up shot, at least from neck up in order for me to get a clear idea of how the look was created. The bigger and clearer the image, the better chance you have of seeing it on a Tête skin.

In other news, July is almost over which means out with juillet and in with août. As usual, the skin will be gone forever but the clothing will stay. Seeing how search is borked, AGAIN, I thought I would include our slurl:

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Check Out SLShopper

I just thought I'd share this with you all, both shoppers and content creators alike.
I must admit that when Cristiano Midnight asked us to try out his new pet project, SLShopper , I balked. I am a bit of a flake when it comes to anything remotely technical but with some gentle coaxing and hand holding, he managed to convince me to give it a go and I'm so glad I did. Placing an ad is as easy as posting in the forums, just a few extra fields to fill. After placing a few ads, I timed myself and even when I take my time to provide a thorough description, the whole process only took me 3 minutes. What's really great about it, besides the ease of use, is that it lists slurls so you can go straight to that product in world. It also allows you comment to the creators and save ads.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Juillet Release

I'm madly in love with the Boho look. No, that is not so two seasons ago. Actually, the boho look is one that will never die. It's as old as the concept of the bohemian itself, just constantly recycled from season to season with less or more popularity. I could do a little citing for you all but I'm sick so you will have to conduct research on your own or just take my word for it. La longue vie le regard de Bohème! Or long live the bohemian look. I hope at least that's what I said. I did just barely pass my two semesters of French. I also am in love with Lucas Lameth's Boho jewelry. With Miriel Enfield and Jackal Ennui as sim mates, it takes a lot to impress this girl but he's managed to do it. When creating this look, we kept his jewelry in mind. You can see it in the ad picture.

Anyway, summer lends itself so well to that look, long flowing skirts, sandals, gauze shirts. At the same time, summer makes me also think of backyard bbq's with Susie homemakers in crisp cotton dresses. It's a bit of a dichotomy there, the wild bohemian and the perfect, prim housewife.... but isn't modern living about that? I think this month's release should please those complicated modern women on the grid. The Indian block print fabric, color palette, and neckline are earthy and free-spirited while the dress is so 50s- fitted bodice with full skirt. The outfit also comes with a 50s staple, the capri pant. Really, what more could every woman want? And of course, once again, CJ did a lovely job in executing the design. Nary a stray pixel. This man is amazing.

The makeup for Juillet adheres to the same spirit of the outfit. Barely there, nude lips with a bit of light gloss balanced by a more dramatic eye in earthy shades of red and brown. The touch of 50's comes from the rich chocolate brown cat's eye liner. The release can be found at our main store in Nouveau or our satelite shop at the Promenade.