CJ Carnot and Roslin Petion have been working their pixels to the bone on developing the new skin line debuting soon at Fleur Skins. But, they have been working so hard they haven't had time to figure out what to call the line.
So ... this is where you come in. They need your help to name the new skin line.

Drop your suggestion for the name of the new skin line in a notecard with your name in the title on TaP Shepherd by midnight SLT, Thursday, October 2. If they choose your name to use for the new line you will be rewarded with a generous gift of the new skins :) [You'll have to provide the diamonds!]
So please help my hardworking bosses out -- they are counting on you, their fans, to help them over the last hurdle to presenting their wonderful creations to the SL world!
Questions? IM Samara Barzane. CJ and Roslin are still hammering away :)
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