The Vivants that will disappear soon are marked with green 50% off sale ovals and are: Natural, Vin, Glam, Feline, Soiree, Pin-up, Rose, Basic Nude, Basic Red, Basic Pink, Lalique and Just Lips.
More about the new line as soon as Roslin and CJ let me ! But I can say that it's pretty wonderful. New base, new range of skin tones, super makeups, yummy body and, as always, the Fleur quality that we know and love. So be patient a bit more! [And get those retiring Vivants before they do!]
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Shortly we'll be setting up the voting process for the Retiring Vivant Photo Contest winners, where you, the discerning reader, will choose the model/photographer who best represented the retiring Vivant makeups. Look for more information soon...